Field Hockey/LaCrosse
Net Games
Keep the ball in play and spectators & property safe with our netting systems!
Why netting?
- Safety - Standard net barrier systems can be designed for virtually any height to keep spectators & property safer.
- Visual appeal – Compared to chain link, barrier netting has minimal viewing obstruction due to fewer poles and thin black netting.
- Standard heights of 15’ & 20’ with custom heights available to fit any need.
- Barrier Netting can easily be added to a current system to extend for additional fan safety.
- Systems are applicable for soccer, lacrosse, baseball, golf, football, and more.
- Our steel poles are expertly designed and engineered for the needs of netting systems and finished with STRYK 5388 FACS (flexible anti-corrosion coating). These poles and steel cables provide the ultimate support for the net and reduce the number of poles needed.
- Durable and flexible netting material options are available to improve the lifespan of the net and hold up to the elements.
- Netting systems provide long-term cost savings while increasing spectator safety and enhancing their experience.
- Systems are designed to handle local wind loads.